Sadhguruʼs Isha Foundation AGAINST Their Will, Claims Their Father

Isha Foundation, led by the most renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, is under a HUGE question. Earlier this week, a team of 150 police officers arrived at the Thondamuthur ashram. A search of the Ashram was carried out under the supervision of an Assistant Deputy Superintendent from Coimbatore. The Madras High Court permitted the search and sought a detailed report on all the criminal cases against the foundation.

The search intensified as the police took the matter further. A team of 150 officers (including 3 DSPs) seemed to be very keen on the investigation. They carefully checked and verified the IDs of the people residing there. Interestingly, Isha Yoga Center remained cooperative and friendly during the investigation. They labeled this as a routine inquiry and encouraged the volunteers and residents to cooperate.

The official statement by the foundation reiterated this cooperation. They maintained that it was a standard procedure, and they have always been open to such investigations.

What’s The Background Of This Matter?

A retired professor, Dr. S Kamaraj, initiated a habeas corpus petition in the court. This type of petition challenges unlawful detention or imprisonment of someone. He claimed that his daughters (Geetha Kamaraj, aged 42, and Latha Kamaraj, aged 39) were being held against their will in the ashram.

Further, he accused the ashram of brainwashing his daughters, turning them into monks forcefully, and cutting off their contact with their family. The Madras High Court took his claims seriously and questioned the lifestyle being promoted by the ashram, which is led by Sadhguru.

Court’s Response To The Allegations

Justices SM Subramaniam and V Sivagnanam raised a critical question against Sadhguru’s teachings. They pointed out that while Sadhguru’s own daughter is married, he is leading young women of society towards an unconventional path. They questioned why he is encouraging them to shave their heads and live their lives as ascetics.

During the hearing, something interesting happened…

Both the Kamaraj sisters appeared in court and denied the allegations against the ashram. They stated that they are living in the Ashram of their own free will. They chose this way of living themselves, and no one is forcing them.

Tracing The Sisters’ Past Before Joining The Foundation

The petition provided a background of the sisters before they joined the foundation. The elder one, Geetha, has a post-graduate degree in mechatronics from a prestigious university in the U.K. She was making a good living before her divorce in 2008. Afterward, she started attending yoga classes at Isha.

The younger sister, Latha, was a software engineer by profession. She followed in her sister’s footsteps and joined the center too.

More Allegations By Kamaraj

Kamaraj’s petition went further to claim that the foundation’s food and medicines are suspicious. He alleged that the food and eatables of the foundation have done something unusual to his daughters’ cognitive abilities.

The Court’s Concerns

The bench of judges was concerned about the objections Kamaraj raised against the Isha Foundation, including brainwashing, conversion to monkhood, and preventing access to loved ones. The court stated that such allegations have led to public criticism against similar foundations in the past.

A Deeper Investigation Into The Petition

The petition went even deeper, revealing new information. It mentioned a doctor associated with Isha, who was accused of molesting multiple young girls from a local Adivasi government school. He was charged under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (Pocso). This added to the seriousness of the matter.

Madras HC Questions Sadhguru

Although the sisters claimed that they are in the ashram by their own will and that no one is forcing them, the court remained skeptical. Justice Sivagnanam stated, “Why would someone who has given his own daughter in marriage encourage others’ daughters to live a hermit’s life? That is the question.”

Foundation’s Response To The Allegations

In response, K Rjindera Kumar, counsel for the Foundation, mentioned that women are free to make their own life decisions. They have the legal right to choose their path, whether it is a traditional one or a spiritual one.

“There is no proof in existence that shows these women are forced to be in Isha or live a hermit’s life,” added K Rjindera.

Court’s Neutral Stance

The bench of judges emphasized that the court would remain neutral and ensure justice is served. “The court is neither for nor against anyone. Our aim is to deliver justice to the litigants,” Justice Subramaniam stated.

A Question Of Family Relationships

However, the relationship between the sisters and their father remained a topic of debate. Justice Subramaniam framed a question beautifully to Kamaraj’s daughters: “You claim to follow the path of spirituality, yet you neglect your parents. Neglecting one’s parents is a sin. Devotion teaches us to ‘love all and hate none,’ but there seems to be a lack of respect here.”

Multiple Criminal Cases Filed Against Isha Foundation

Kamaraj’s lawyer, E Raj, brought up an additional point in the case. He argued that the foundation has faced several other legal issues in the past. This isn’t the first one. He was directed to submit a detailed report on the criminal cases associated with the foundation by October 4.

Isha Foundation’s Stance On The Matter

The Foundation maintained a positive stance, stating, “We do not ask individuals to marry or take up monkhood; these are personal choices.” Furthermore, out of the many individuals who visit the ashram, only a few choose the path of monkhood.

Sisters’ Testimony Reaffirmed Their Willingness

As witnessed in court, Kamaraj’s daughters confirmed that they were not held in the ashram by force. Instead, they chose this path themselves.

Regarding Other Cases Against The Foundation

Another case focused on the construction matters of the ashram’s crematorium. This case was stayed by the Madras High Court, and no legal action was announced against the foundation, said the representatives.

With the matter unfolding and the court’s final verdict pending, it remains to be seen how this complex case will be resolved.

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